The faces of Parents in Need are varied..the single Mom trying to make ends meet, the middle-class family who is effected by crazy economic times, the family who is facing medical issues, grandparents who are raising grandkids, and families who just need a "light at the end of the tunnel". Give us your story. How have you been blessed by Parents In Need. We can even leave your name out if you desire.
"I have been on my own since I was 15, I have a daughter that is 12 and I'm
currently expecting another daughter soon. The only item I have is a car seat
that the state provided, and my little one will be here soon. Since I left home
at such an early age I do not have any family or help. I do not have anyone to throw a baby shower for me or anyone to ask for help."......
That is just a part of Jennifer & baby Patience's story. Parents in Need (PIN) was able to bless Patience and bring a smile to her Mom's face , as well as, ease her stress as she prepared to welcome her little one into the world. PIN helped to bring her nursery to life...with a crib, mattress, complete crib set, mobile, blankets, curtains, and lots of pretty clothes. The interesting, "God-thing" , is Jennifer had looked at crib sets and wanted Patience's room to be purple with a little bit of pink. Well, the linens we gave her had purple and pink flowers on them! Even more evidence of God at work..
Jennifer never made it to our outreach in February. She found out about it too late, but she contacted me just in case we had anything left. I thought we just had clothes to pass on to her, but at the last minute we discovered one last crib unclaimed from the outreach. On top of that, I had "forgotten" to bring my donation of my daughter's crib set, blankets, mobile, and curtains with me that morning. But God knew, right? He knew that Jennifer had that specific need and He wanted me to bless her! I love helping others and I love how gracious Jennifer has been. Her words of thanks have brought me tears time and time again. I'm grateful that she reached out to PIN and that God worked it all out for us to bless her.